About the Journal

Journal of Halal Sciences is a multi-disciplinary publication dedicated to scholarly study on halal as a cross cutting issue. Particular attention is paid to attitudes and practices of Muslims on halal issues, halal products (food, cosmetics, fashion and arts), halal services (medicine, tourism, education, and lifestyle), halal sciences and other cross cutting issues related to halal. The journal tries to locate the halal issues as the main attention of academic inquiry and to endorse comprehensive studies. In addition, the journal also promotes conversation and discussion of halal cross cutting issues. Thus, the journal invites researchers, academics, scientists, policy makers, and practitioners from all over the world to exchange thoughts and insights and to disseminate ideas, research findings, practices and experiences   on the issue. The journal will be published twice in a year, every March and September. It is published by Halal Center of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Journal of Halal Sciences has been a member of crossref.org. Therefore, each article has a unique DOI number.